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16 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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alright but...

I can't get to your site man, is there a new session now or what? (and I mean after session 9) nah.. i'll check it later but great series!

Lifepoint1 responds:

Yea there's a new session. :)
Sorry if there are problems with the site. I'll look into it, but thanks for the comment.

hey why did it stop??

I was beginning to like this movie, when it suddenly stopped.. if you had made it longer (why is he adopted etc..) then it would have been much better

but I liked it anyway

dekuscrub responds:

Don't worry, a sequel might be on its way... PREPARE FOR OVERBLOWN EXAGERATION TO THE MAX.

nice song

i liked the song, the beginning was good, but you made it stop so suddenly (the song) it would've been better if you used the whole song

FireHound responds:

you are right, got lots of complaints about that

man man...

hahaha... from reading the other reviews.. i understand that nobody know this is from another artist. And you have replied to every single one of them, to explain that this is not your work! :P I have 1 tip: let them BE! you have explained it in your comments so that's enough.

secondly: the voices and music ain't making it better... i know u did ur best, but it's not equal to the quality of the movie itself.

hatebadreviewers5655 responds:

no i cant let it be because everyones gotta get it in their head it aint mine. NOW WAIT A FREAKIN MINUTE. who ever said i did my best, (on the music). first off im a DJ and i know what goes with what ok. His movie for now goes with this song and the other song to at that certain point of the movie. i wasnt trying to do my best on a movie thats not mine jackass. its his, i only wanted to add some music so he could add it to his name which would make people kinda like you stop bitching ok. but anyway im deleting it and puting something else. hes gonna add music to it.

great job dude!

I don't have complaints about this, its well done! but i have a question: how did you do the drawings? did you scan it in and colour it with flash or just draw in directely in flash?

Stryda responds:

Hi there!
Yah, I draw everything straight into Flash. I use a graphics tablet.
WACOM rules!


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